Tuesday 17 April 2012

Chapter 9

Eileen had mixed feelings on the day Severus took his first steps. On one hand, she was thrilled but she was also aware that he'll be a lot more mischievious now. Even so, she encouraged Severus to walk and very soon, he began running around in the house, exasperating Eileen to no end. Tobias bought him a ball and father and son spent every evening playing ball in their little backyard.

"Be careful, Sev," Tobias warned as they played ball one evening. "Don't break anything or else your mother won't spare either of us."

"Dada, ball..." Severus yelled happily and kicked the ball hard. Eileen was just coming out to the backyard with three glasses of juice for each of them.

SEV!" Eileen and Tobias screamed at the same time. Fortunately, the ball missed the tray narrowly and both of them heaved a huge sigh of relief.

Eileen set the tray on the table and picked Severus up. She handed him a small glass of juice and watched him gulp it down eagerly.

"C'mon," she said after Severus had finished. "Let's get you to bed early tonight. I'll take you to the market with me tomorrow."

"Great,' Tobias nodded. "Just be careful, Leen. You know how he is"

Excited with the prospect of another outing, Severus did not protest when Eileen and Tobias tucked him into his bed.


"Mama, ball!" Severus said, pointing to a shiny red ball in a toy shop. Eileen, though, kept on walking, holding his hand tightly.

"We don't want a ball, Sev," she told him firmly. "Daddy's already bought you one."

Severus pursed his lips, ready to throw a wicked tantrum but Eileen ignored him. Put out at being ignored by his mother, Severus continued walking, less enthusiastic than before.

Soon, they reached the market. Eileen looked sharply at Severus, warning him to stick close to her. Severus, though, had other plans. Just when Eileen got busy purchasing necessities for the house, Severus slipped past her and walked away.

"Petunia," Severus heard a voice and started walking towards it. He saw a girl, not more than two-years old, holding the hand of her sister.

'Petunia," her mother was saying. "Hold on to Lily. Don't let her slip by like last time."

Severus walked up to the two girls and held out his hand. He smiled at them, happy to find someone to play with. The girl named Lily smiled back at him and took his hand. Petunia, sensing that Severus had slipped past his parents, as Lily had done once before, pulled Severus close to them, lest he got hurt by anyone.

"Sweet?" Petunia asked Severus, holding out a small wrapped toffee. She smiled at him and Severus took the toffee from her hand. Lily, indignant that her sister had given the toffee to the new boy rather than her, smacked Severus hard on his cheek and snatched the toffee away.

Tears welled up in Severus' eyes but he fought them back, not wanting to cry in front of his new friends. Petunia, though, admonished her sister and gave Severus another toffee. Severus, immediately deciding that he liked Petunia more, stuck his tongue out at Lily. Lily, though, was unfazed and stuck her tongue out at him too.

Just then, their mother came up to their little group.

"Let's go, girls," she said. "I've finished."

Just then, she noticed Severus standing with her daughters. Knowing that Severus was either lost or had slipped past his parents, she decided to stay back till his mother came for him.

A strangled cry of "Severus!" ripped through the market and Eileen, frantic with worry, came to a stop in front of Petunia, Lily, their mother and to her immense surprise and relief, Severus.

Lily and Petunia's mother went up to Eileen and patted her, trying to calm her down.

"Don't worry, dear," she said. "Your son is safe. He was playing with my girls."

"Thank you," Eileen managed to say. "Thank you so much, Mrs..."

"Evans," the woman said. "And this is Petunia and Lily," she added, gesturing towards her daughters.

Exchanging addresses with Mrs Evans and promising to meet up very soon, Eileen and Severus made their way out of the market while Petunia waved them goodbye. Severus turned around for one last look at his new friends and noticing Lily staring back at him, stuck his tongue out at her once again.


  1. HILARIOUS..................................... THE FIRST MEETING OF THIS STAR-CROSSED LOVE STORY!!!!!

  2. Haha...I wanted their first meeting to be nice and informal....not some serious eye-to-eye stare or something serious like that!!

  3. LOL! Never imagined Sev to like Petunia more than Lily in a hundred years...Hilarious!

  4. Hahaha....glad that you all liked this chapter!!
