Monday 16 April 2012

Chapter 8

"Are you even listening to me, Toby?" an exhausted Eileen asked her husband one night as they prepared to go to bed. Tobias, bouncing a still enthusiatic Severus on his stomach, didn't pay any heed to his wife.

Toby, listen to me!" Eileen said, shaking him by his shoulders. "Sev's becoming impossible to handle. He's becoming more and more mischievious with each passing day."

"Mmm hmmm..." Tobias said, still not looking at Eileen. He tickled Severus under his chin and both of them burst out into peals of laughter. They were just starting a pillow fight when Eileen had had enough. She picked Severus up and plonked him on the other side of the bed, next to her but far away from Tobias.

"Dada..." Severus wailed, clearly upset at being separated from his father. He tried to cross over to Tobias but was blocked by Eileen.

"Enough Sev!" Eileen said, firmly. She then turned to face Tobias, keeping a restraining hand on Severus who was still struggling vainly to get to his father.

"Leave him, Leen," Tobias said, reaching over to Severus who, joyfully stretched his hands towards Tobias. But Eileen was quicker. She immediately smacked Tobias' hands away. "What has he done now?" Tobias finally asked.

"Elizabeth had come visiting...." Eileen started.


Earlier in the morning, Elizabeth had dropped in to meet Eileen and Severus. Happy on seeing her old friend, Eileen thanked her stars that Severus was asleep.

The two friends wasted no time in catching up with each other's lives. Elizabeth was happy to know that Eileen's relationship with Tobias had improved greatly after Severus' birth.

Eileen and Elizabeth were busy chatting when they heard a sharp cry. Eileen groaned inwardly on realizing that Severus had woken up.

"Oh great!" Elizabeth said. "I'll get to meet little Severus now. Didn't want to disturb his sleep."

"I'll bring him out," Elizabeth said and got up. Just as she was about to enter her bedroom, Severus came crawling out, searching for Eileen.

"Mama..." he cried and crawled towards her. Eileen picked him up and made her way to the couch and resumed her talks with Elizabeth. Severus, though, eyed Elizabeth warily.

Elizabeth reached out and tickled Severus. Now smiling, Severus immediately leapt on to Elizabeth's lap and started to tug at her pearl necklace.

"Sev, no!" Eileen said, horrified. Elizabeth, though, waved her off. She unclasped her necklace and gave it to Severus who immediately started trying to remove the pearls.

"Its fake," Elizabeth whispered to a skeptical Eileen. Eileen wasn't convinced but didn't say anything.

"I'll rustle up some sandwiches for us," Eileen said and went to the kitchen while her best friend joined her son in his games. Eileen returned, a moment later, with some delicious looking sandwiches and a bottle of ketchup.

Severus was immediately attracted to the red bottle of ketchup and, leaving the necklace aside, started to make his way to the table. Unbeknowst to the two ladies, he sat underneath the table, trying to figure out a way to get hold of the bottle when, by a stroke of dumb luck, Eileen dropped it.

It was all that Severus needed. He lunged for the plastic bottle, got hold of it and crawled away as fast as his little hands and feet allowed him to. Eileen ran behind him all the way to their bedroom, followed by an amused Elizabeth.

Severus crawled underneath the bed, far away from Eileen's grasp and started fiddling with the bottle. He finally managed to unstopper it and looked at it, curiously.

"Come out right now, Severus Snape!" Eileen yelled, peering down at her son who was still under the bed.

Startled out of his reverie, Severus squeezed the bottle and a stream of ketchup hit Eileen squarely on her face. Eyes twinkling with excitement at this discovery, Severus aimed the bottle at Eileen and squeezed again. This time, he got her dress. Elizabeth joined Severus in his laughter while Eileen pulled him out.

"Now you've had it, Sev," she said. "Now you've really had it."


"So what, Leen?" Tobias said. "He's a kid. I'd be surprised if he wouldn't have done all this."

"But don't we need to teach him a little discipline?" Eileen asked, incredulous about the fact that Tobias was openly supporting Severus.

Tobias sighed. "He has to grow up one day, Leen," he said, reaching over to pick up a now sleepy Severus. He stroked his little head all the while as he patted him to sleep. "Let him enjoy his innocent, carefree days for now."

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