Thursday 29 March 2012

Chapter 2

"Tom, go to your room and get dressed," Mrs Cook said. "We are going to the zoo. arguments, Tom," she added when she saw the Tom was about to protest.

With a resigned look on his face, Tom started to dress up. "Its going to be so boring over there," he muttered to himself. Just then, the door swung open and the hulking figure of Dennis stood there, casting a dark shadow in Tom's room. Tom turned and faced his nemesis.

"What is it?" Tom asked, without a trace of fear in his voice even though Dennis was twice his size. "Come to take something?"

Dennis smirked. "What are you muttering under your breath, Riddle?" he asked. "Going insane like your mother, aren't you?"

The taunt didn't affect Tom at all. He kept staring directly up at Dennis' eyes. He inched closer to Dennis and beckoned him to come closer.

" Little Tom cannot hear me from down there," Dennis laughed and crouched down to Tom's level.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you," Tom whispered. "You know what happened to your bulldog, right Dennis?"

The colour drained off Dennis' face. " are a f...freak," he shouted and ran away.

Tom laughed silently to himself. He knew very well what had happened to Dennis' dog. Last week, after a particularly cruel bout of bullying by Dennis, Tom was making his way to his room when he came across Dennis' dog, Casper. Casper, like his master, despised Tom. He growled up at Tom, who nonchalantly walked past him. Enraged at being ignored, Casper bounded up to Tom and tried to bite him, but ricocheted off and hit the wall instead. Casper died on the spot. Naturally, everyone suspected Tom but no one could prove it.


The little group of children reached the zoo and immediately dispersed in different directions. Predictably, Tom was left alone. He wandered around aimlessly and found himself at the entrance of the reptiles section. He walked in and looked around. On his right, he saw a massive python sitting on some eggs. Fascinated, Tom walked towards the glass partition which separated the python and her eggs from Tom.

Just then, one of the eggs hatched and a tiny, baby python emerged from it. Tom stared at it, his eyes shining brightly.

"I wish I had one of them," Tom whispered. "I could use her to bully the kids back in the orphanage." No sooner had he finished, the big python looked at him. And just then, suddenly, the glass partition vanished and the python nudged at the little python that had just hatched.

"Take her," she hissed up at Tom.

Eyes blazing with unrestrained excitement, Tom stretched out his hand and let the baby python slither up in his arms and slipped her into his pocket.

"Thanks," Tom whispered. He went out and brought out the baby python. He looked at her. She was his first friend.

"You will be my only friend, Nagini," he whispered.


  1. hmmmmmmmmm, nice! Hope to read more about Tom! The bullied often become the bullies!!

  2. So the first creature that Tom killed was a dog. It wasn't his intention though. He only did that for self-defence.

  3. As you said, was completely unintentional!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Not unintentional! Subconsciously he wanted to inflict pain and agony upon the world as a retribution for his own misfortunes.....

  6. True....he kinda believed in "An eye for an eye."
